[Freeswitch-users] how to force a MINIMUM call duration

Andrew Gilbert gilbertandrew at me.com
Tue Dec 9 16:27:36 PST 2008

What do your records say? Ie do they balance to what the carrier  
claims? You should at a minimum have macro level data to confirm  

27% seems high, but even at that level if you assume your remaining  
population is "normal" you are still no where close to call center /  
predictive traffic in the overall sense. For example, 2 minutes ACD on  
the normal population is still almost 90 seconds overall. Compare this  
to outbound call centers that might have an overall ACD in the 10-30  
second range and have well over 50%, probably much higher, short  
duration. I would tell your carrier to stop being silly, or find  
another one.

I am unsure you can do it just in the dialplan, but it is a somewhat  
trivial app. The issue is it is difficult to safely avoid scenarios  
where leg B might actually be a real person, talking to dead air. This  
is not good citizenship. It breaks implicit assumptions about network  
behavior and is unfair to end users. It is illegal if applied to a  
predictive scenario.

On Dec 9, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Frank @ Impact wrote:

> On our last bill, the carrier said we had 27% short duration calls  
> (maybe they are wrong but it was on the bill).  It is definitely not  
> call center. But these callers hangup as soon as they hear answer  
> machine or most of the time a ring back tone from cell phone.  This  
> class of caller will call a cell phone, hear the ring back, hangup  
> right away and then call back another 2 minutes later and repeat the  
> cycle.
> So, if I have to make it work the way I suggested (hold the  
> connection open for at least the minimum time, how might you suggest  
> I do it in the dial plan?
> -----Original Message-----
> Don't want the tone to be wrong here, but this makes no sense.  
> Carriers surcharge like this precisely to guard against call center,  
> predictive and other mass outbound calling scenarios.
> It just doesn't make since, math wise, that individuals hanging up  
> on voice mail are going to significantly impact overall ACD stats,  
> etc. So unless you have a very strange set of use cases or are  
> pushing another category of traffic (ie call center) that skews you  
> overall relationship with the carrier - I would go back and re- 
> negotiate your arrangement.
> Yes, FS is a b2bua and all is possible. But it is probably a better  
> use of time to approach this as a business issue.
> My 2 cents.
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Frank @ Impact wrote:
> How can FS force a Minimum call duration for a FS caller (someone  
> calling out of FS)?
> We have a carrier that penalizes us with a surcharge for short  
> duration calls (sound familiar?).
> So when a FS caller (not a call center or predictive dialer) calls a  
> cell phone and gets a ring tone or calls an answering machine, the  
> FS caller hangs up because they do not want to leave a message.  But  
> they do this in less then a few seconds after the call is answered.   
> This becomes a short duration call and bang the surcharge applies.   
> It is actually cheaper to pay for a longer call time (6 seconds in  
> this case) and avoid the short duration surcharge.  But the FS  
> caller does not know this.
> So, how can FS hold the connection to the called party open for at  
> least the minimum amount of time I need to avoid the short call  
> charge… even though my FS caller has already hung up the phone on  
> his end?  I would like to do this in the xml dialplanif possible.
> Thanks
> -Frank
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