[Freeswitch-users] mod_distributor configuration advice

bedgar at vseinc.com bedgar at vseinc.com
Tue May 6 01:19:37 MSD 2014

I discovered a "loop" option in the wiki for the dialplan.  Can someone explain the particulars?  If I were to add it to the dialplan will it loop the bridge if the call is not connected (no answer), and call it again for the value assigned or just loop for the failure of the bridge grabbing a channel?


  <extension name="Outbound_Domestic">
    <condition field="destination_number" expression="^1?([2-9]\d{9})$">
      <action application="info"/>
      <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
      <action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true"/>
      <action application="bridge" data="{ignore_early_media=true}freetdm/${distributor(outbound_rr)}/1/a/1$1" loop="4"/>

I hope I am communicating my question in a manner that can be understood....

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