[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM - Sangoma B700 - ISDN connection questions - UK

shouldbe q931 shouldbeq931 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 11:27:13 MSD 2011

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:36 PM, John <freeswitch at earthspike.net> wrote:
> Hello,
<snipped for brevity>
> 2. We have 2 Single Number DDI numbers configured over the 4 channels.
> I want to set up outgoing calls so that they can appear to come from
> either of the two numbers, but at present the outgoing CLI appears to be
> overridden by the telco (BT) to only use one of the numbers.  Has anyone
> got this working in UK, and what is the format for the
> outbound_caller_id_number: last 6 digits or full 11 digits?  I note that
> the inbound called number is only the last 6 digits.
<snipped for brevity>
> Thanks for all the great support I have already got just from editing my
> Wiki User page; this is a friendly group!
> John

I can only comment on the BT part.

If they are two individual lines, you're out of luck with BT, as they
do not allow CLI spoofing, which this would be.

I would suggest sending BT the same number of digits that they send
you, if that doesn't work try 10 digits. If  you are not sending the
"correct" number of digits for a valid DDI on the trunk, then they
will send the lead number for the trunk.


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