[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM - Sangoma B700 - ISDN connection questions - UK

John freeswitch at earthspike.net
Thu Jun 9 11:22:43 MSD 2011


You are right. I'm new to the list and have since found pastebin.

Thank you.


On 09/06/11 04:21, Sidharth Kshatriya wrote:
> Dear John,
> Appreciate the long time you took in putting down your queries. I'd 
> like to help but unfortunately don't have domain expertise in the 
> areas you're having problems.
> Your mail is more likely to be read if it was shorter. May I suggest 
> you use http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/ to paste all your debug 
> messages and configurations.
> Please ignore this message if you don't agree with the strategy.
> Thanks,
> Sidharth
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 3:06 AM, John <freeswitch at earthspike.net 
> <mailto:freeswitch at earthspike.net>> wrote:
>     Hello,
[ ... ]
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