[Freeswitch-users] outgoing dialplans for australia

Brian May brian at microcomaustralia.com.au
Sun Feb 21 00:30:39 PST 2010

Hello again!

Ok, after spending several hours trying to debug why incoming calls
didn't work, for two separate issues (2nd time I accidentally set "Do
not disturb" on my VOIP client. Duh!), I am feeling slightly lazy...

Anyone got a set of rules for outgoing calls (Australia) that they are
willing to share?

Even if I don't use it directly, it may help me understand this new
XML based syntax (I am only really familiar with the Asterisk dialplan

As a specific example of something I am unsure of, is it possible to
have it try and dial using a sip provider, and if that fails try the
zap port? I don't want it to fall back to the zap port though if the
person doesn't answer or is engaged, only if there is a problem with
the SIP connection (e.g. Internet connection down).

Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au>

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