[Freeswitch-users] Start javascript app

Jonas Gauffin jonas.gauffin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 02:55:36 PDT 2007


I want to start a javascript application with some parameters (without
having an active session).

Is that possible?

A bit more details:
I got a web administration site for my freeswitch solution. The user
can manage all it's soundfiles from it. I want to let the user record
files through freeswitch.
  A javascript application should be launched (with filename and user
agent address as parameters) when the user presses a record button.
The js app should then call the specified UA and record the specified

I've come up with the following solution:
1. The webapp tells my server to record a file
2. My server saves filename + ua address
3. The server tells FS to originate a call to the UA by using the
event socket interface
4. The JS and it's parameters are supplied when FS asks for the
dialplan through mod_xml_curl

The current solution works, but it would be nicer to be able to launch
a js app directly.

Best regards,

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