[Freeswitch-users] is there a group_confirm_timeout setting?

Phillip Jones pjintheusa at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 20:35:56 MSD 2014

Hi Michael.

Thanks for the reply. You are right - giving the called party X number of
seconds to press 1 to confirm the call, otherwise move on in the call

But consider this - we are forwarding to cell phones. We want to ring for
24 seconds (assuming cell vm kicks in at 25 secs) so that we do not get to
cell VM and can send to our own VM. So leg_timeout = 24.

But if the called party picks up at 23 seconds - we want to keep the
calling party on the line - so kill the call timeout - hence
true. Perfect. Works.

Now I just need to reset the timeout, i.e.  group_confirm_timeout
10. So leg_timeout is time to ring if no answer. leg_timeout +
group_confirm_timeout is time to ring is called party answers.  That would
be perfect and is very neat and precise. And all done in dialplan :)


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Michael Collins <msc at freeswitch.org>

> Hi Philip,
> If I understand what you're trying to accomplish, namely giving the called
> party X number of seconds to press 1 to confirm the call, otherwise move on
> in the call processing, then I'm pretty sure that you don't want to set the
> group_confirm_cancel_timeout to true. See explanation here:
> https://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Channel_Variables#group_confirm_cancel_timeout
> I'd try leaving that as false and setting the leg timeout value to be
> whatever time you need. Note: I'm pretty sure that the leg timeout includes
> the amount of time the leg spends ringing the cell phone, so be sure to
> factor in the possibility that the called party doesn't answer right away
> but maybe it could take 10+ seconds before the person on the other end of
> the cell phone even hears "press one to accept."
> -MC
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Phillip Jones <pjintheusa at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I have question about group_confirm and I am hoping someone can help:
>> I am bridging a call and prompting the called party to press 1 to answer.
>> Works great:
>> <action application="answer"/>
>>          <action application="set"
>> data="group_confirm_file=phrase:ppn_to_accept_call_from"/>
>> <action application="set" data="group_confirm_key=1"/>
>> <action application="bridge" data="{leg_timeout=10}user2/1001
>> <action application="say" data="en number pronounced 54321"/>
>> You will notice that leg_timeout is 10 (set low to test). So that gives
>> the caller just a couple of seconds to answer. So I add:
>> * <action application="set" data="group_confirm_cancel_timeout=true"/>*
>> This cancels that leg_timeout - the call now will stay up until the
>> called party presses 1 or either party hangs up.
>> If a call goes to a cell phone voicemail - this can result in a long
>> message of repeated "press 1 to accept call". And I cannot move the calling
>> party on to the next dialplan action.
>> I tried originate_timeout and call_timeout and all seemed to be cancelled
>> by group_confirm_cancel_timeout, as you might expect.
>> Is there a way to set a timeout in that group_confirm stage? For example
>> a *group_confirm_timeout *setting. That would set the seconds the called
>> party has to confirm?
>> Thanks in anticipation.
>> Phil
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