[Freeswitch-users] Mod_Shout - Padding mp3 stream with 1s of empty audio

Keith Laaks keith at laaks.com
Thu Sep 4 18:29:07 MSD 2014


I suspect this has to do with the addition of Stereo Support to mod_shout
around June.

This only happens when one uses "<param name="rate" value="48000²/>² in

I think the padding being added is actually less than the "1s of empty
audio² - because the largest value passed to Œmemset¹ in mod_shout.c can be
Adding stereo halved the original pad duration. So with a 64Kbuffer @ 48000
(2 bytes per sample and Stereo), I think you only get 0.3 seconds of
Œbuffer¹, which is just not enough for the streaming to keep up reliably and
therefor the repeated Œgaps¹.

Change it to "<param name="rate" value=³32000²/>² and the issue goes away as
it then gives 0.5 seconds of buffer (which was 1 second before stereo).


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