[Freeswitch-users] multiple records of the same user registration on the same host

Henry Huang red.rain.seven at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 12:05:37 MSD 2014

I did not enable the multiple_registation parameter in sip profile, but I
am seeing multiple registrations of the same user in the sip_registration
table through odbc.

Here is how it happened, the client (pjsip) is registering through TCP,
without un-registering, the client failed and got restarted again. Hence
another registration was fired to the server; however, it did not replace
the previous record, but instead created an additional one.

Now, can someone explain to me how that is possible? How can I make sure
the new registration overwrite the previous one. The only thing different
is that every time when the client register again, it's using a different
TCP port. Can that be the cause of multiple record? If so, what should I do?

Here is an example of the registered record from sip_registration table
except the TCP port number is different every time. I have also masked the
IP addresses and sip_user

         call_id: VV3Fz9nEPrGZaVHi-Na0xUMR43u5pe4E
        sip_user: ****999
        sip_host: sip.domain.com
  presence_hosts: sip.domain.com,
         contact: "user" <sip:****999 at
          status: Registered(AUTO-NAT-2.0)
            rpid: unknown
         expires: 1408559112
      user_agent: unknown
     server_user: ****999
    profile_name: device_kamailio
        hostname: freeswitch01
    network_port: 5060
    sip_username: ****999
        mwi_user: ****999
        mwi_host: sip.domain.com
   orig_hostname: freeswitch01
        sub_host: NULL


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