[Freeswitch-users] Configuration System

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Fri Jan 4 21:01:38 MSK 2013

If you haven't already done so please request a wiki account. I fell behind
on approving new requests but now that the holidaze have passed I am all
caught up. :)

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Roger Castaldo <roger.castaldo at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone, I have been working on a configuration gui for freeswitch for
> several years now.  It has gone through several revisions and changes in
> its core and well as the interface itself, basically making it more
> efficient and more user friendly as well as more expandable.  It was a
> decision as of late now to take that work and make it open source, it is
> kind of giving out a lot of work at no cost, but I came to a point with it
> that I just cannot do it myself anymore.  It is written entirely in C# and
> is its own self contained web server.  The code is available at
> http://code.google.com/p/freeswitchconfig/.  I would like to get others
> on board to assist in testing, coding,etc.  I was looking to add this to
> the wiki but do not have access and looking to port it over to have a
> branch that both has a self contained web server and one that will run
> inside an asp.net capable web server.  Enjoy the usage of it for those
> that do end up using it, any and all feed back would be appreciated.  Also
> on a side note it is a web based system that has its own mobile version
> that automatically switches to accordingly.  I just moved it to google code
> so have had no time to work on the wiki or anything for it.
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Michael S Collins
Twitter: @mercutioviz
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