[Freeswitch-users] Users need a red flashy light thingy

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Thu Jun 21 02:26:25 MSD 2012

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Sean Devoy <sdevoy at bizfocused.com> wrote:

> HI Todd,****
> ** **
> This too makes perfect sense, but NOT for this user.  The answering
> service does nothing but take voice messages, type them up and them back as
> FAXES to the office fax machine.  The users come in the morning and get
> their FAXES instead of voicemail. ****
> Can you imagine my frustration with these people?

Wow, are you serious? Do they live in Bedrock? I'll bet when they go to the
doctor and get an x-ray there's a little woodpecker that taps out the image
on a stone tablet. I'm glad they're your clients and not mine! :P

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