[Freeswitch-users] FreeSWITCH and netvoip.ch

sunsus patrick at sunsus.net
Sun Jun 10 17:27:43 MSD 2012


I've tryed to use netvoip.ch as a gateway. But I have a lot of connection
problems. Because netvoip has a load balancing between two servers
sip.netvoip.ch (sip-1.netvoip.ch and sip-2.netvoip.ch). 

Now the problem is if you are getting with the INVITE to the first server
you're getting a 304 Unauthorized with the nonce of the first server. For
some reason FreeSWITCH is now sending a INVITE with the digist
Authentication to the second server and this server is now answering with
304 Unauthorized with an other nonce. FreeSWITCH now ends the call with 500
internal server error. 

Is this a FreeSWITCH related issue or a netvoip related issue? Or is there
any configuration in the gateway to say to use the same server for the
authentication process? 



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