[Freeswitch-users] announce count mod conference

Rodney notlikeme75 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 22:32:22 MSK 2012

the following section of mod conference does not seem to work  for me. is this meant to be played for the whole room or just the user entering the room. I would like it only to work for the person entering the room to cut down on the amount of them pressing the dtmf to execute the announce count extension. it seems this is the first thing they do and I want them to not have to do that. 

I have set this to 0 and 1 and still no caller count announced. how may I trouble shoot this problem? thanks. when i go into an empty room it says my zerocallers.wav but nothing else if i enter a room with 1 or more callers. 

announce-count Requires TTS. The system will speak the total number of callers in the conference when a new person joins, but only once the threshold specified in this parameter is reached. 5 
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