[Freeswitch-users] Where to best get help with freeswitch on gentoo?

Eugene Shcherbatyuk shcherbatyuk at belrosbank.by
Wed Feb 22 09:05:42 MSK 2012

Being a newbie with a fresh memories of compiling FS I would like
suggest that you check out MONO dependency, i.e. headers and lib presence.

On 21/02/12 17:48, Marcus Mülbüsch wrote:

> * ERROR: net-misc/freeswitch-9999 failed (compile phase):
> *   failed to build FreeSWITCH
> *
> * Call stack:
> *     ebuild.sh, line  85:  Called src_compile
> *   environment, line 6473:  Called die
> * The specific snippet of code:
> *       emake MONO_SHARED_DIR="${T}" || die "failed to build FreeSWITCH";


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