[Freeswitch-users] Outbound calling with recorded message.

Dave dave at clancysystems.com
Wed Sep 28 21:35:14 MSD 2011

Hi all, 

I have been using freeSWITCH for a while for inbound calls in which a person registers for a seminar via IVR.  I simply use the DID, CID number and name to identify the person and put them in the Database. That part of the application is working wonderfully.

The issue I'm presented with now is that we need automate making calls to a few of these registrants, after each event, whos caller_id_name comes in as "Unknown" or "Wireless Caller", Play a recording to let them know we need the name, and that they can record the information right then, or call the office.

I am limited to using a Windows 7 machine.

What would be the best tool to use to automate these calls with the use of an IVR?

Dave Goodwin

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