[Freeswitch-users] Call back from voice mail creates loop

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Sat Mar 12 00:23:41 MSK 2011

FWIW I just tested this on latest git and it worked perfectly fine for me.
Let us know what happens when you get updated to latest.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Troy Anderson <
freeswitch at tlainvestments.com> wrote:

> I hope this isn't considered "hijacking" a thread as I think this issue is
> related.  The version of fs I'm using is from Feb 10, 2011, and I looked at
> the diff for mod_voicemail.c between trunk and the version I have installed,
> and it doesn't appear that anything related to this issue was modified.
>  However, I am in the process recompiling with latest to be sure.  In the
> mean time, perhaps you can help me understand what's going on:
> I have been experiencing something odd related to voicemail and pressing 5
> to reply.  While researching the problem, this thread seems to suggest the
> reason, but not an obvious answer.
> When you press 5 after listening to a voicemail, the mod_voicemail.c
> executes switch_core_session_execute_exten(session, cbt->cid_number,
> profile->callback_dialplan, profile->callback_context);, which I assume is
> equivalent to execute_extnesion.  The context I'm using is the same context
> that handles all of my internal extensions, so I expected that when one
> extension leaves a message for another, pressing 5 after listening to the
> message would ring back the original extension.  This is not working.
> My dialplan has the following condition required before trying any internal
> extensions :
>       <condition field="${user_exists(id ${destination_number}
> ${domain_name})}" expression="^true$" />
> An example may make my question more clear:
> I dial from 119 to 105.  119 leaves a message.  Later, 105 dials ** to
> retrieve its voicemails and listens to the message from 119.  After the
> message, he dials 5 to return the call.  mod_voicemail runs
> execute_extension to 119,XML,my_context.  In my_context, I have the
> following to see what's up:
> <extension name="test" continue="true">
> <condition break="never" field="*destination_number*" expression="^*119*
> $">
> <action application="log" data="*ERR Extension 119 matches*"/>
> </condition>
> <condition break="never" field="*${user_exists(id ${destination_number}
> ${domain_name})}*" expression="^*true*$">
> <action application="log" data="*ERR User Exists when using variables*"/>
> </condition>
> <condition break="never" field="*${user_exists(id 119 ${domain_name})}*"
> expression="^*true*$">
> <action application="log" data="*ERR User Exists when using plugged value*
> "/>
> </condition>
> </extension>
> The output is:
> 2011-03-10 10:42:54.720596 [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:2152 Execute
> log(ERR Extension 119 matches)
> 2011-03-10 10:42:54.720596 [ERR] mod_dptools.c:1183 *Extension 119 matches
> *
> 2011-03-10 10:42:54.720596 [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:2152 Execute
> log(ERR User Exists when using plugged value)
> 2011-03-10 10:42:54.720596 [ERR] mod_dptools.c:1183 *User Exists when
> using plugged value*
> Notice that the second condition fails.  Why is that?  Is it related to the
> issue identified in this thread?  That execute_extension is somehow setting
> destination_number differently than transfer?
> Also (not shown here), I have applicaiton="info" as the very next
> condition, and it shows dialed_extension as **, not 119.  I'm very confused
> about that.
> How do I remedy this since mod_voicemail is using execute_extension?  Can I
> somehow determine this and execute my own transfer?  Or should I somehow
> modify my user_exists expression?
> Thanks for any guidance!
> -Troy
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Michael Collins wrote:
> Yes, transfer is your friend in this scenario. :)
> -MC
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Tim St. Pierre <
> fs-list at communicatefreely.net> wrote:
>> Michael Collins wrote:
>> > Are you trying to bridge the current leg (user <--> voicemail) to
>> > another endpoint? If so, how are you doing that? Are you transferring
>> > the leg back into the dialplan for processing?
>> >
>> I may have just answered my own question - quite by accident while working
>> on another problem.
>> I was sending the call back to the dial plan for processing, but I was
>> using the execute_extension
>> application instead of transfer
>> It looks like execute_extension doesn't affect the destination_number
>> variable, whereas transfer
>> changes the destination number, and sets the previously dialed number as
>> Changing my logic to use transfer instead of execute_extension seems to
>> have solved things.
>> -Tim
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