[Freeswitch-users] Strange Behavior with Channel Variable [session:setVariable() vs <action application="set" ... /> ]

Sidharth Kshatriya sid.kshatriya at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 23:21:55 MSK 2011

Dear All,

I am using a little known but very useful channel variable called

In Lua if I do: session:setVariable("playback_timeout_sec", "10")

and subsequently in a macro I have:

<action function="play-file" date="/some/filename.mp3" />

Then the filename.mp3 stops playing automatically after 10 seconds. This is
very useful if you want to play short excerpts of a file that could be very

But if I do:

<action application="set" date="playback_timeout_sec=10" />
<action function="play-file" date="/some/filename.mp3" />

My file does NOT stop playing after 10 seconds. This is weird given that
<action application="set" .. /> is doing exactly the same thing as
session:setVariable() ... right?

My question
1. What could be the problem with application set?
2. Is there a way to automatically stop playback after a certain number of
seconds for a file? (without doing tedious things like create a separate
10second version of an mp3 using ffmpeg etc.)


Sidharth Kshatriya
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