[Freeswitch-users] Wiki Questions

Peder peder at networkoblivion.com
Thu Nov 11 11:11:09 PST 2010

Are there any guidelines as to what is acceptable as far as editing other
people's work in the wiki?  For example, on this page:


If you go down to Command Line Parameters, it shows about 10 options.  Right
below it, it says "Recent options" and lists the 10 above, plus another 15
or so.  So there is redundant information and it is confusing.  It should
all be put in one item.  I don't mind editing when I see stuff like that, I
just don't want to step on other people's toes.

Also, under Starting in Unix-based Systems, it shows a block of code with a
little computer symbol next to it.  Then there is a block of code below it
with no symbol.  Then a block of code below it with a symbol again.  Then
way down at the bottom, there is a block of code with a pencil next to it.
And a block of code with a light bulb next to it..

I'm sure the response will be "it's all yours, go ahead and fix it".  I am
just curious if there are guidelines, or if anybody looks over changes to
make sure they look reasonable.


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