[Freeswitch-users] Native stacks

Anthony Minessale anthony.minessale at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 10:56:40 PDT 2010

The GPL is the license that would require change not the MPL. (there already
is such a change called LGPL btw)

The GPL says if you link to anything GPL, your whole program and anything
that links to it is GPL.  Once that happens all your rights to use the
software for business are gone unless you are the sole owner of the code.
 Therefore it's not possible for FreeSWITCH to be compatible with the GPL.

If you look at the obvious use case: someone takes libGPLgoodies and wraps
it in a 10 line exe and sells it for $20, its construed as unfair.  Probably
true...... so the GPL narrow-mindedly focuses on this paradigm.

Now turn the tables and imagine MongoAPP that does all kinds of different
functions that has mod_GPL_Hello_World.so that just prints hello world on
the console.  That too would cause all of MongoAPP to become GPL which is
enough to make you spit out your drink in disbelief.

The only way around it is to avoid GPL software which is our common practice
and has worked well for us thus far.  We just choose not to get involved
with it due to difference of opinion.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Anthony Minessale
> <anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I want the native stack to succeed because our goal was to have an open
> > source BSD licensed free ISDN stack so we can put an end to people
> selling
> > it for ungodly fees.
> > The libpri is fine to use if a user assembles it himself but ultimately
> it's
> > GPL and there is a grey-area license conflict with using with FS.
> >  Technically OpenZAP/FreeTDM is BSD and compat with libpri but according
> to
> > the greedy GPL, when you load it the GPL infects the whole code and makes
> it
> > also GPL.  FS is MPL and is happily compat with OpenZAP/FreeTDM but there
> is
> > a philosophical debate as to if the BSD lib in the middle that completely
> > abstracts the 2 entities, protects FS from the GPL
> > FreeTDM is still OpenZAP, just with another name.  Sangoma is only
> working
> > on their own modules for FreeTDM and the API as a whole still supports
> > everything OpenZAP does.  I think stkn will merge his stack back into
> > FreeTDM and it can continue to be developed for those who don't have
> Sangoma
> > cards.
> >
> Next MPL version might be compatible with GPL. It is in the spec list
> http://mpl.mozilla.org/scope/ . As MPL 2.0 is scheduled for fall 2010,
> we will know more then. Also FreeSWITCH is MPL 1.1 and not "MPL 1.1 or
> later" so it will need to be relicensed.
> Talking about relicensing, why not relicense FreeSWITCH under
> MPL/LGPL/GPL as Mozilla does, and for the same reasons (see
> http://www-archive.mozilla.org/MPL/relicensing-faq.html#why-relicensing
> for explanation)?
> Regards
> Mathieu Parent
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Anthony Minessale II

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