[Freeswitch-docs] Docs Team spreadsheet

Bote Man bote_radio at botecomm.com
Wed Jun 11 05:39:15 MSD 2014

Upon further review: the Jira system does not seem well-suited to documentation tracking. I clicked Create and the details like CPU and operating system just get in the way, plus it does NOT have the fields and statuses that you mentioned.


So I'm inclined to go with your spreadsheet. You have already done the work and it's already online and editable (hopefully only to members of the Docs Team!) so let's use that. 

!!==>>  Just now I edited a field without being logged in, so anybody can edit that spreadsheet right now!!


I made the Status field a list of choices so that it remains consistent throughout the table. I made Editing, Moved, and Complete. If it's blank it means the page has not been touched yet. If you accidentally enter a status, hit DELETE to erase that entry. This keeps the choices simple.


Moved - means the page has simply been copied from the old wiki to Confluence, but still needs to be formatted according to the guidelines.


Editing - means somebody is in the process of formatting and editing the page to ensure that the content describes the current Master code of FreeSWITCH.


Complete - means the page is up to date.


But remember: pages still must be edited as changes are made to FS code that must be documented.





John Boteler

Bote Communications

Fort Lauderdale, FL





From: Areski [mailto:areski at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 June, 2014 12:30
To: Brian West
Cc: Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa Em; Bote Man; Mario G; Ken Rice; William King; ycamargo at xmartek.com
Subject: Re: FS Docs: wiki to Confluence move


Hi Bote Man!



I did a scrapping of the wiki and created a spreadsheet here, the spreadsheet is editable:


maybe this can be of some use? we could for instance start to work on a spreadsheet or use the spreadsheet (csv) to create tasks in bug tracker.

* (there is 2858 pages in total)



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