[FreeSWITCH Community] FreeSWITCH Weekly News and Notes

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Tue Feb 12 04:05:31 MSK 2013

Hello all!

News and notes are back after a brief hiatus last week. We (the FreeSWITCH
team) were in Milwaukee last week and we appreciated being fed by the
community. Thank you! We love this community.

It seems the big news <http://freeswitch.org/node/435> last week came
courtesy of our friend Kristian Kielhofner <http://blog.krisk.org/>. As
reported in this blog
Kristian ran into a rather unusual set of circumstances that resulted in
Packets of Death for some Intel NICs. In addition to being
Kristian's research ended up being featured in a Wired.com
Don't forget to read Kristian's update
post<http://blog.krisk.org/2013/02/packets-of-death-update.html> that
includes information about Intel's response to the whole situation.

This week things will start to return to normal with our weekly conference
call <http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2013_02_13>. We are going
to spend a few weeks talking about various FreeSWITCH GUIs, starting with
the CudaTel <http://www.cudatel.com>. For the past four years or so we've
been building the CudaTel Communication Server and we'd like to show off
some of the cool things it can do.

We have two other news items. The first one has to do with
which our very own Eliot Gable is building. Financial support for this
open-source module will be done through FreeSWITCH
An interesting discussion can be found in this email
The other item comes from Ken Rice who has some updates on Jira and ZRTP.
Check out his mailing list
more information.

Have a great week and we'll talk to you on Wednesday.

Michael S Collins
Twitter: @mercutioviz
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