[Freeswitch-users] One way audio after sometime

Gaetano Volpe g.volpe at studiofox.it
Mon May 8 06:19:35 UTC 2017

Hi guys,

I'm running the last stable version of Freeswitch in my environment.

FreeSWITCH Version 1.6.14~64bit ( 64bit)

I've a very strange problem with a group of extensions of sales department

An isdn pri line is provided by a cisco router (2921) through a sip trunk.

When the calls volume increases, suddenly some phones experience one way
audio (the customer hears, sellers don't). When it happesn the only way to
get the phone back to work is to reboot it.

We're running all polycom vvx 300 phones.

What I've tried so far:

1. Change the codec to g.711
2. Upgrade freeswitch
3. Upgrade Polycom firmware
4. Downgrade Polycom firmware

I've captured packets with wireshark packets and I can see both audio
channels in the call trace.

So I guessed it could be the phones but it's very strange. What do you
think about it?


*Gaetano VolpeCEO, CTO & Systems Analyst*g.volpe at studiofox.it *-


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