[Freeswitch-users] Inbound calls mis-routing routing to internal extension with external IP?

Brian Chow freeswitch at digitaldescent.net
Thu Feb 25 06:00:06 MSK 2016

Hello all!
  I'm new to freeswitch, so I'm sure this is just a newbie configuration
error.  Sorry if it's been answered a million times, my google searches
always just bring up the standard NAT configuration pages.  I've already
followed the confluence page on configuring NAT.

My Setup:
Freeswitch 1.6 and FusionPBX installed on a virtualized debian 8.3 instance.
SIP Provider: Flowroute

NAT: extension and freeswitch are on the same network, both of which are
behind NAT and connecting to flowroute.  I configured external sip and rtp
to use stun entries.  External profile is using $${external_rtp/sip_ip} for
ext-rtp/sip respectively.

I have one DID configured to go directly to my one extension.  My extension
can register just fine.  My extension can dial out.  When I call my cell,
the call connects and I have 2 way audio.  When I dial my DID from my cell,
I can see the call hitting the FS server, but instead of ringing my
extension, it goes straight to my extensions voicemail (which I can just

When I look the at the console, it appears (sorry if this is wrong, I'm
only a day into free switch) that FS is attempting to route the call to my
extension...@ my external ip?

I see this line in the console:  2016-02-24 18:56:10.453983 [NOTICE]
switch_channel.c:1101 New Channel sofia/internal/<extension>@*<externalip>*

Shouldn't that read sofia/internal/<extentsion>@<ip_of_extension>  ?

Sofia Status says:

                     Name   Type                                      Data
            external-ipv6 profile
sip:mod_sofia@[::1]:5080 RUNNING
                 external profile
sip:mod_sofia@<external_ip>:5080 RUNNING
external::<uuid> gateway            sip:<flowrouteid>@sip.flowroute.com
            internal-ipv6 profile
sip:mod_sofia@[::1]:5060 RUNNING
                 internal profile
sip:mod_sofia@<internal_ip>:5060 RUNNING

If I'm completely off base here, can anyone recommend where I can start
looking to change/troubleshoot the issue?  I feel like it's just me missing
something, I just can't determine what that might be.

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