[Freeswitch-users] Tone detection How To
Naveen Tamanam
naveen32india at gmail.com
Tue May 19 00:55:06 MSD 2015
I am using following command for tone detection,
tone_detect <uuid> <key> <tone_spec> [<flags> <timeout> <app> <args>] <hits>
Many times I end with the false detection. In my case I haven't given all
optional args.
I just gave tone_detect uuid key tone_specs. It would be something like,
tone_detect 8582g3b8-f7db-10e4-2ac4-c01885c1ffd3 tone_name frp1,frp2,frp3
Where frp1, frp2 and frp3 are the frequencies of few peak amplitudes of
the tone.
Those frequencies are detected through audacity by plotting spectrum,
Spectrum specs are,
Alogorithm: Spectrum,
Fuction: Hanning window or Bartlett window
Size: 512
Axis: Log Frequencies
Is there anything I am missing. Any suggestions are highly appreciated,
Thanks & Regards,
Naveen Tamanam
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