[Freeswitch-users] A few questions regarding mod_skypopen

Giovanni Maruzzelli gmaruzz at celliax.org
Fri May 16 20:50:22 MSD 2014

> What we want to have is a fully automated process.  Say someone insert a
new skype id remotely, and wish to add this as a new skype channel.
> The automated process will grab the authentication information, create a
startup script for it, then load the new skype interface.   Now, if during
> skype login for this new user, it got a "P2P connect error" as I
mentioned, then all the existing skype interfaces will stop working too.
> IF you could possibly offer a configuration parameter for it, that'll be
greatly appreciated.

at least this is a use case :).

Please open a Jira request for feature on jira.freeswitch.org

> Yes, that's exactly the problem I got.  "reload mod_skyopen" will load
the new interface, but "sk_reload" doesn't.

sk_reload *must* load the new interface.
Please open a Jira bug for this one, with full documentation, as per

> Yes, what you just wrote is what I was trying to convey, "probably the
"good" settings are stored in the skype configuration directory by now"
> Yes.  This means that maybe your default skype configuration template may
require some minor adjustments?

Why this? What you mean? The configuration directory will be populated with
authentication and connection information after the first successful run.
No way in my knowledge to prepopulate it. First run may take time to
connect and authenticate. Further runs will be quicker. It probably use a
peer2peer protocol to discover its path to an authentication server.
Anyway, its proprietary skype stuff we're not supposed to mess with.

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