[Freeswitch-users] Freetdm libsng_isdn and Redirecting Number in SETUP - no rdnis

Adam Kuśmirek amkusmirek at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 02:17:16 MSD 2014

Hi All

I have FS with libsng and Sangoma A108DE conected to PBX that is
redirecting calls A -> B to C.
Received SETUP message:

2014-08-13 15:33:21.148143 [DEBUG] ftmod_sangoma_isdn_trace.c:224 [SNGISDN
  Prot Disc:Q.931/I.451 (0x08)
  Call Ref:007D (Originating side)
  Type:SETUP (0x5)
  Sending complete:
  Bearer Capability:Coding:ITU-T(0) TransferCap:Speech(0) TransferRate:64
Kbit/s(16) L1Prot:G.711 A-Law(3)
  Channel Id:No:31 Type:B-chans(3)  Exclusive/Implicit
  Calling Party Number:69214XXXX(l:9) plan:isdn(1)
type:national(2)scr:user, passed(1) pres:allowed(0)
  Called Party Number:77544XXXX(l:9) plan:isdn(1) type:unknown(0)
  Redirecting Number:773XXXX(l:7) plan:isdn(1) type:national(2)scr:user,
not screened(0) pres:allowed(0)reason:Call forwarding unconditional(15)

I need  Redirecting Number  to make correct dialplan decisions, but I
cannot get it from channel variables.

I hoped, that rdnis channel variable will contain this number, but info
application tells nothing about it.

Is there any way to get acces to this Redirecting Number information in
dialplan ?

FreeSWITCH Version 1.2.24+git~20140617T204847Z~9dde4b1548~64bit (git
9dde4b1 2014-06-17 20:48:47Z 64bit)

Thank you for any help
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