[Freeswitch-users] mod_skinny --> Calling numbers with various lenght

Nathan Neulinger nneul at mst.edu
Tue Apr 8 21:40:48 MSD 2014

On 04/08/2014 12:10 PM, MS-R-IT wrote:
> Hello,
> yes they can overlap you can have different length with overlap like my company siemens the central has the number
> 3-digit prefix (yes this can also be) then 4-digit four our site (like 9221) and 0 for our central and 5910 for me directly.
> There are many else expressions I could give you emergency call in Germany is 110 and 112 but there can be number with
> 110XXXXX too!

This is not something you'll be able to do with the current built-in dial handling for mod_skinny currently because of 
how it processes the dialing.

The key part of the current processing for this is in skinny_handle_keypad_button_message() where it calls 
skinny_session_process_dest() with the non-null 2nd to last argument (append_dest).

The processing sets call to routing state after each digit in that routine.

What would need to happen is some sort of time delayed callback to have it not send the call to routing state until a 
certain time has elapsed.

You could do a workaround of requiring a terminating digit (# or something like that) to "dial" - that would work with 
current code, but is definitely a hack.

-- Nathan

Nathan Neulinger                       nneul at mst.edu
Missouri S&T Information Technology    (573) 612-1412
System Administrator - Architect

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