[Freeswitch-users] HELP avmd only works if sound is being sent.

Andrew aademattia at comcast.net
Thu Nov 21 04:49:09 MSK 2013

Anyone know how to get the AVMD beep to work without having to play audio
during the detection?

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew [mailto:aademattia at comcast.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 6:31 PM
To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org
Subject: [Freeswitch-users] avmd only works if sound is being sent.

    I am trying to build an IVR using c# and mod_managed.   
    I have a need to do this in c# to replace a current stack.
    I start the program using
              String err = ""; 
                uint flags =
                switch_status_t res = freeswitch.switch_core_init(flags,
    switch_bool_t.SWITCH_TRUE, ref err); 
                search_bind =
                event_bind = FreeSWITCH.EventBinding.Bind("SampleClient",
    switch_event_types_t.SWITCH_EVENT_ALL, null, event_handler,true); 
    switch_bool_t.SWITCH_TRUE, ref err); 
    I am making a call using     
    string Route = "{ignore_early_media=true,origination_caller_id_number="
    CallerIDNumber + ",origination_caller_id_name=" + CallerIDName +
    ",originate_timeout=20}sofia/softphone/" + NumberToDial; 
    ManagedSession leg_b = new ManagedSession(Route); 
    Then I am setting  leg_b.Execute("avmd", "start");  after the call

    I have found if I have mod_portaudio and have the audio play on my
    the beep will work but 
    I am not making a softphone but a IVR.  I think the key is
    but no clue how to fix it. 
One thing found out is if I am playing audio while the beep happen the even
works but if I call and do nothing the beep never happens.    

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