[Freeswitch-users] GXP1405 G729 audio problem

Juan Antonio Ibañez Santorum juanito1982 at gmail.com
Tue May 21 14:51:27 MSD 2013


   Anyone had problems using G279 codec with Grandstream GXP1405. GXP1405
is connected to FS which is connected to an Asterisk box. FS has no codec
installed so it is in passthrough mode. The audio received in the phone is
bad. Sometimes volume goes down and it has low quality.

Working connected directly to Asterisk using G729 box goes well.
Working through FS using G711 goes well.
If I analyze both flows, from Asterisk and from FS, inside FS box using
G729, all audio is OK.

So I don't know why phone plays it bad...

Any idea?

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