[Freeswitch-users] how many conferences?

Yossi Neiman mishehu at freeswitch.org
Fri Mar 22 21:06:47 MSK 2013

I don't mean to be overly pedantic here, but the default configurations 
may allow for the creation of up to 100 conferences of each type, but in 
essence no conference is actually created until the first caller calls a 
given conference.  That conference remains active until the last caller 
disconnects from the conference.  Each conference runs the audio stream 
at the given rate it is configured for (i.e. narrowband), and thus has 
to manipulate the sample rates and perform transcoding as necessary upon 
non-matching media.  Thus there is no simple way to calculate how many 
conferences you can fit on a server of given configuration X, as there 
are far too many variables at play for each configuration even.


On 03/22/2013 10:52 AM, Jun Sun wrote:
> The out-of-box default configuration creates 100 conference rooms for
> four different quality levels: narrow band, wide band, ultra-wide band
> and cd quality. I think you can change the numbers as you wish inside
> dialplan/default.xml.
> I"ve been curious about the CPU usage for conference calls. Is it a
> linear function of phone lines? For example, for AWS small instance (1
> EC2 compute unit), how many concurrent conference lines can it support?
> I also did a test on the different quality level. From regular PSTN
> lines and cellular network, I cannot seem to tell the differences. Can
> someone confirm?
> Cheers.
> Jun
> On 3/20/2013 6:44 AM, veerabhadrarao` wrote:
>> hi,
>>        I am working on Freeswitch Conference functionality.
>>        How many conferences can we create in freeswitch?and how to control
>> the Creation of number of conferences in freeswitch?
>> thanks in advance

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