[Freeswitch-users] External voicemail issue

Elliot Farmer elliotfarmer101 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 22:48:21 MSK 2013

Hi all,

I'm having an issue with the voicemail system when accessing via a Skype
connect trunk.

Internally all is working, however if I call my external Skype number from
a PSTN line when the call is routed to voicemail I get a lot of
intermittent speech loss during the IVR announcement and then after the
beep I can hear odd sounds that I can only describe as digital interference
type sounds. Also the IVR is very quick to say "the recording is below the
minimum length" although if I speak quickly I can record a voicemail and it
sounds fine during playback, not amazing audio quality but no major issues.

The issue seems to be the same as
I have tried recording a greeting but the same issues occur.

I'm running Freeswitch on CentOS 6.3 on a physical machine.

Here are some logs http://pastebin.com/jmuks47q , I've tried to remove the
phone numbers and IP addresses as I don't have permission from the owners
to publish them on the internet.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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