[Freeswitch-users] Alternative Debian package builder

Ken Rice krice at freeswitch.org
Sat Mar 16 22:16:28 MSK 2013

So that¹s 1 for 10AM Eastern (CDT) or 2PM GMT Wed.

The problem with installing all the modules is that you don¹t always need or
want them installed on the system. And there are a huge number of people
doing embedded work with FreeSWITCH. Take Apache as another example a quit
apt-cache search apache2 shows dozens of apache2 packagesthat you must
install to get that functionality after the fact.

The whole point of meta packages or config packages for FreeSWITCH is to try
and keep this consistant across all platforms be it RHEL/Centos or Debian or
even Ubuntu. This reduces the amount of bandwidth required to supporting the
various things after FS has been installed.

Personally if it were up to me I would say screw all the different
variations between how FHS and other file layouts work and say pick one of
the following, /opt/freeswitch or /usr/local/freeswitch we are going to
install everything in those locations. This would drastically reduce support
issues and greatly improve the ability of users to backup and change things
in FS w/out having to search the entire filesystem to figure out where
something as simple as freeswitch/db/zrtp.dat is located.

Yes I know that last statement will cause a ton of arguments with people as
getting started on where things should go on a file system layout is as
toxic as starting a debat on religion or politics, but that¹s not the point,
we are not a distribution, we are a project developing a specific software
package. That being said I honestly believe the single install location is
the proper thing to do, but we can have support for FHS install locations
etc in the build/packaging scripts to ease distro packagers lives  for
getting packages into the main distro repo¹s. But even then we will still
have to maintain packages for FreeSWITCH proper repos as you already know
how hard it is to get the latest release of software for many thing (for
crying out loud, centos still ships Postgresql 8, and they are up to 9.2.3)


On 3/16/13 11:14 AM, "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
<cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> Sure I'm up for that, though I think discussing a bit more on email before
> hand would be a good idea too.
> I can do 10am Eastern on Wednesday, which would be 2pm GMT/UK time for us.
> To clarify my own position on packaging.. Having the packages split into their
> individual modules is a nice idea in theory, but it doesn't feel like the
> 'Debian way'. Most Debian users are used to only installing just a few
> packages, and the package maintainer decides what should be compiled in by
> default (take nginx for example). The application then decides which modules
> should be loaded in using the .so files (for example Apache). The exception to
> this is Python, where you have external Python modules (such as python-curl),
> however these not part of the Python core, thus why they are kept separate.
> Standard python modules (such as zlib) are all included by default.
> I don't know enough about how FreeSWITCH module linking works, but I would
> have thought that if a module is compiled dynamically, then it won't be linked
> in unless it's specified in modules.conf.xml. In which case, you could just
> have a single package with all the dynamic modules compiled in, and you would
> change which modules are loaded in by editing your modules.conf.xml. On that
> basis, I think that the modules should be compiled as a single package.
> Any thoughts?
> Cal
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Ken Rice <krice at freeswitch.org> wrote:
>> Debian Packages... Why don¹t you guys all get together on the FS conf bridge,
>> and lets get everyone working together to get these done in a common way...
>> Hows Say Noon Eastern on Tuesday for 10 Eastern on Wed (an hour before the
>> regular weekly call) to get all you guys in 1 bridge to nail this down.
>> On 3/15/13 6:21 PM, "Anthony Minessale" <anthony.minessale at gmail.com
>> <http://anthony.minessale@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>> Work with ken and we can combine forces and release packages too.
>>> On Mar 15, 2013 6:29 PM, "Andrew Cassidy" <andrew at cassidywebservices.co.uk
>>> <http://andrew@cassidywebservices.co.uk> > wrote:
>>>> I just wrote a script that chroots and builds for each env I have installed
>>>> using the provided build scripts.
>>>> On 15 March 2013 20:27, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>>>> <cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk
>>>> <http://cal.leeming@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> > wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I've recently released an alternative Debian package builder for
>>>>> FreeSWITCH.
>>>>> https://github.com/foxx/freeswitch-debian
>>>>> Although FreeSWITCH does already have suitable Debian packages (and a
>>>>> builder), it might not be suitable for your needs (and in our specific use
>>>>> case, we required an alternative approach).
>>>>> Some of the reasons for this might be;
>>>>> * Build your own packages with custom patches applied
>>>>> * Your build system requires an easy to use, 1 command buider
>>>>> * Building your own source packages from GIT for security reasons
>>>>> * Have a single Debian package to install rather than 100+
>>>>> It supports the following features;
>>>>> * Uses 'get-packaged-orig-source' to fetch original source from FreeSWITCH
>>>>> git
>>>>> * Builds as non-native, all arch package using quilt 3.0 patching (in
>>>>> accordance with Debian guidelines)
>>>>> * Uses start-stop-daemon
>>>>> * Uses pbuilder to ensure a clean build
>>>>> * Creates 'freeswitch' system user and enforces permissions on FreeSWITCH
>>>>> files
>>>>> * Installs into /opt/freeswitch, rather than system dirs
>>>>> * Removing/purging package will NOT remove data/logs dir or delete
>>>>> 'freeswitch' system user (in accordance with Debian guidelines)
>>>>> * Enforces all necessary dependancies
>>>>> Usage:
>>>>> # Replace GIT_REF with the ref from GIT you wish to compile against
>>>>> # Replace FS_VERSION with the version of FreeSWITCH we are compiling
>>>>> $ apt-get install git
>>>>> $ git clone https://github.com/foxx/freeswitch-debian.git
>>>>> $ cd freeswitch-debian
>>>>> $ GIT_REF=master FS_VERSION=1.3.16 make
>>>>> Hope this helps someone else!
>>>>> Cal
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