[Freeswitch-users] can mod_httapi decide if the call should be answerred?

Rafal Gwizdala rafal.gwizdala at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 14:49:14 MSD 2013

Thanks, Michael, for prompting me to do some homework

I made some tests and the conclusions are:

1. You don't need to answer the call in the dialplan before calling into
Both extensions below will make httapi requests to my application:

<extension name="test1">
        <condition field="destination_number" expression="^6622$">
            <action application="httapi" data="{url=
http://localhost/simver/FSHttApi/Test}" />

    <extension name="test2">
        <condition field="destination_number" expression="^6621$">
            <action application="answer" />
            <action application="httapi" data="{url=
http://localhost/simver/FSHttApi/Test}" />

2. You don't need to answer the call in the httapi script
This one looks quite strange but I think I finally understood it - I can
play back sounds or 'say' something without explicitly 'answerring' the
call. But the call is 'pre-answerred' only and in this state you won't be
able to collect dtmf, for example. I don't know what is the exact
difference between a pre-answerred and answerred call but one nice thing is
that when you <hangup /> or <break /> in this state the call will be
rejected and the caller will hear a 'busy' signal.

3. Answerring the call
You can answer the call with
<application name="answer"/>
but by default there's no permission to run the 'answer' application from
httapi script so you need to enable it in httapi.conf.xml
>From now on the call is answerred and everything runs as usual.

Best regards
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