[Freeswitch-users] mod_xml_cdr and mod_json_cdr - docs/code

Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk
Wed Jan 2 15:19:13 MSK 2013


Looking at the source code for xml_cdr and json_cdr:


Based on the commit messages and file contents, it looks like this code is
maintained in two different places, and is mostly copy/paste.

Looking at the documentation, all the relevant channel information is
inside the xml_cdr docs, with very little inside json_cdr, despite them
having nearly the same code base.

Could a core dev comment on;

* Why this code is maintained in two different places - are there any plans
to merge it into a single lib/file?
* Is there functionally any difference between the two, other than the fact
one outputs XML and another outputs JSON (my C is very poor, so I find it
difficult to interpret the code logic - sorry)

Many thanks

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