[Freeswitch-users] Sofia freezing for 5 minutes then starting again

Tim St. Pierre fs-list at communicatefreely.net
Thu Nov 22 22:31:40 MSK 2012


I'm having a bit of an odd problem.

Intermittently, often every 2-3 days or so, Freeswitch stops replying to SIP for about 5 
minutes.  I can't verify if it's EXACTLY 5 minutes, but it seems to be pretty close.

During this time, no new registrations or invites can happen, but existing calls stay 
connected for at least a minute or two.  In the logs, you can see calls slowly hanging up 
with "NORMAL_CLEARING".  In 5 minutes, everything starts up again with no word about it at 
all in the logs.

When calls resume, I notice that the number of sessions returned by the status command is 
one higher than the actual number sessions returned by show channels, or by looking in the 
database.  Every time this happens, the discrepancy increases by one.

The interruption happens on all SIP profiles, but calls originated from the socket API 
still work, insofar as they return with PROGRESS_TIMEOUT since the profiles are still 
running, but stuck.

We are using ODBC/MySQL for the core database, and the database server only runs this 
database and some basic PHP/xml-curl stuff.

We have 416 endpoints registered, and usually sit at about 30 sessions during the day.

This never happens at night, only during busier times, but not necessarily busy hour.

I'm running on FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE AMD 64(2 XEON cores, 4G ram)

Freeswitch is 1.0.head (git-7531fed 2011-08-17 11-27-20 -0500)

Yes, I know it's old and I'm trying to upgrade, but I'm still having some problems getting 
all my phones to work properly with 1.2 stable.  This is a production system, so I can't 
just blindly put out the newest release.  Mostly, I need to buy myself some time so that I 
can get the kinks worked out of the latest version and then upgrade the production box.

I'm grateful for any insights as to what could be happening, even if a solution is just a 
temporary workaround.



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