[Freeswitch-users] Using mod_managed or mod_java

Dave R. Kompel drk at drkngs.net
Fri Jun 22 20:43:17 MSD 2012

I have a lot of experience with mod_managed, however it's mostly with the  M$ .NET CLR implmentation. I have heard from others that it also works pretty well using the MONO flavor.  
I use the Windows implmentation in a comericial product, that is ia full carrier grade softswitch. I have customers that have a lot of traffic, 400+ call setups per second, and have no problems with being able to keep up.  
I also have a number of custom solutions for clients for both large call center applications, and auto-dial outbound applicatons. Some of these applications have more then 1000+ calls per box, and I 've never had a production problem.  
If you need any examples or help please feel free to contact me off the list.  
--Dave      _____  

  From: Jon Schøpzinsky [mailto:jos at firstcom.dk]
To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org]
Sent: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 03:54:40 -0700
Subject: [Freeswitch-users] Using mod_managed or mod_java

Hello everybody,  
We are designing a new platform, and are planning to use FreeSWITCH for our core services and switching.  
We have looked at using the ESL interface, mod_managed og mod_java.  
It doesn’t seem as though a lot of work is being done on mod_java, and there isn’t allot of documentation around. So if anybody could share their experience with using mod_java, that would be great.  
mod_managed seems very promising, but we are a bit nervous about running Mono on one of our primary production systems, as our experience with Mono hasn’t been all good.  
Is anybody running mod_managed on large scale production systems, that can share their experience with doing so?  
The ESL interface is working pretty great, but we do like the idea of integrating our core logic directly into FreeSWITCH, instead of having it run in a separate process.  
Kind Regards  
Jon Leren Schøpzinsky  
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