[Freeswitch-users] Users need a red flashy light thingy

Sean Devoy sdevoy at bizfocused.com
Wed Jun 20 23:47:22 MSD 2012

Freeswitch is so much better than my customers deserve.


I have the DialPlan set up nicely so they can dial *72 to forward all DID
calls to their answering service and *73 to turn it off.  Today she Dialed
*72 to turn it off 4 different times, and since that is the code to turn it
on --- it did NOT turn off.  She was livid and sent me hate mail about how
"terrible IP phones are and they never work ."


I even consoled her saying how *72 and *73 have no inherent indicators to
show which means on and off.   I have offered the obvious solutions of SPEED
DIAL buttons that are labeled "Enable" and "Disable".


Now my question.  Anyone have any ideas how to use a line button, or
possibly MWI to indicate that lines are forwarded (a db value).  MWI is
clearly in use so line button is my preference, but if MWI had a flash
function, etc????  I have unused line buttons - How can I make them show
busy (like shared call appearance) from the switch?  Maybe a dummy
user/extension I do something clever with?


If it matters the phones are Cisco 504G (4 line).


Thanks in advance,


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