[Freeswitch-users] Domain name lost in SIP registration (w/ SIP TRACE)

Sean Devoy sdevoy at bizfocused.com
Tue Jun 12 22:38:45 MSD 2012

HI All,


In the pastebin:   <http://pastebin.com/KyGXMTP0>
http://pastebin.com/KyGXMTP0 is a sip trace.  


The phone is on the lan and uses proxy: fs_test.bizfocused.com which is  In the SIP messages you can see the domain name


I have a directory that includes <domain name="fs_test.bizfocused.com"> and
a user for this subscription.


But the SIP response is "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and the message displayed
in FS_CLI is:

[WARNING] sofia_reg.c:2376 Can't find user [202 at]

You must define a domain called '' in your directory and add a
user with the id="202" attribute

and you must configure your device to use the proper domain in its
authentication credentials.


Why isn't it using the credentials in the domain "fs_test.bizfocused.com"?




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