[Freeswitch-users] problem: fs block public extension for inbound calling

Thomas Hoellriegel admin at blindi.net
Fri Jul 27 23:55:58 MSD 2012

Hi all, i have setup a voicechat.
The extension name is: dorf.
my Domain: telco01.blindi.net
I like to call:  dorf at telco01.blindi.net
from outside for all unregistered users.
then i call this extension, Fs bring the errormessage:
2012-07-27 21:46:09.295221 [DEBUG] sofia.c:8069 IP Rejected 
by acl
  "domains". Falling back to Digest auth.
2012-07-27 21:46:09.295221 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:1474 SIP auth challenge 
) on sofia profile 'internal' for [dorf at telco01.blindi.net] from ip
2012-07-27 21:46:09.329205 [DEBUG] sofia.c:8069 IP Rejected 
by acl
  "domains". Falling back to Digest auth.
2012-07-27 21:46:09.329205 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:2442 Can't find user 
[699 at telco01.blindi.net]
You must define a domain called 'telco01.blindi.net' in your directory and 
add a
  user with the id="699" attribute
and you must configure your device to use the proper domain in it's 
on credentials.
2012-07-27 21:46:09.329205 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:1419 SIP auth failure 
on sofia profile 'internal' for [dorf at telco01.blindi.net] from ip
Fail2ban block my Ip.
How can i setup these extension for public inbound correctly please?

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