[Freeswitch-users] Running a BASH script within a dialplan

Brian Foster bdfoster at endigotech.com
Fri Jan 20 05:50:00 MSK 2012


I'm trying to run a BASH script which turns sends a message to Google's
Transcription API. It's a modified version of the example posted on the
wiki. Here we go:

!. #!/bin/sh
2. sox $1 message.flac pad .1 0 rate 16k
3. wget -q -U "Mozilla/5.0" --post-file message.flac
--header="Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000" -O - "
http://www.google.com/speech-api/v1/recognize?lang=en-us&client=chromium" >
4. echo "$(cat message.ret | sed 's/.*utterance":"//' | sed
5. rm message.flac
6. rm message.ret
7. # rm $1

Before I stick that in a dialplan, I've been trying to run it within fs_cli
to make sure it works. However, I get:

-ERR no reply

...every time I run it. Is there some fundamental flaw that FreeSWITCH
doesn't recognize as an output? I plan on putting together a few BASH
scripts and a dialplan to basically do the same thing that Mundy has done
with "Siriously".


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