[Freeswitch-users] Nous avons besoin de votre assistance avec les traductions!

Tim St. Pierre fs-list at communicatefreely.net
Tue Jan 17 06:23:25 MSK 2012

Hi Michael,

I may be able to arrange for some of those translations.

Send along a spreadsheet and I'll pass it to our resident bi-lingual 



Michael Collins wrote:
> Salut!
> If you can read the subject line then you already know what I need: 
> help with some French translations. As you know, our very own Marc 
> Olivier Chouinard (Moc) has produced a set of French-Canadian sound 
> prompts for everyone's benefit. The FreeSWITCH team and Barracuda 
> Networks recently added some prompts to that set. We are looking to 
> expand that sound set even more with some of our newest sound prompts.
> I have a grand total of about 220 prompts that I would like to get 
> translated into French. Many of these are less-common prompts that a 
> lot of people won't need, but I would like to get the translations 
> done anyway so that we can get the most useful ones recorded as soon 
> as possible. Also, some of these prompts are silly ones that may not 
> translate too well into French. (I've heard that the French don't have 
> a sense of humor but I cannot confirm that report at this time. :)
> If you'd like to help with this translation project please email me 
> off list and I will send you a spreadsheet with what we have to do.
> Merci beaucoup pour tout votre soutien!
> -MC
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