[Freeswitch-users] Email notification when user unregistered?

Tim St. Pierre fs-list at communicatefreely.net
Thu Dec 13 07:58:45 MSK 2012

If you enable unregister-on-option-fail in the SIP profile, you could
then watch for the unregister events.  I know that on the console, a
warning is fired if this happens, and I'm sure there is an associated
event you could listen for.  You would have to have some sort of external
script subscribe to events through the socket, then generate the e-mail.

The default options-ping time is 30s, so you would know within 30s of an
endpoint disappearing.  This only sends an event if it was registered and
then goes away for an unknown reason.  You may still want to periodically
check the registrations database against what you expect to be there.

王理 wrote:
> Hi Freeswtich Master,
> I'm in a situation where I need to proactively moniter whether some 
> device/extension is on in my local network; If for some reason the 
> devices are offline, I need to be noticed immediately so that I can 
> restart the device;
> Previously I  use xlite client to suscribe to the presence notification 
> of the devices, but recently added some devices which not supporting 
> presence notification, so I want FreeSwitch to send an email 
> notification when some user/extention are getting unregistered;
> How can I capture a Feeswtich user unregister event & launch a LUA 
> script then?
> Happy days!
> /Brgds, Alex
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