[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM kickstart help ERRORS inline

Luis F Urrea lfurrea at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 06:53:52 MSD 2011

This dAHDI stuff is like voodoo!

I know this has to be configuration issues but sh****t after a few years in
the telecom industry it is really hard to find a more awful syntax for
configuring such a stupid device as an FXO port.

I am trying to get a Xorcom Astribank going with FreeTDM. So far after a
bunch of firmware and driver BS (come on there is probably nothing more
buggy in a freking kernel than the USB layer, how can a telecom device be
using a USB driver!!!!!!!).

I get the following output from

### Span  1: XBUS-00/XPD-00 "Xorcom XPD #00/00: FXO" (MASTER)
  1 FXO                     RED
  2 FXO                     RED
  3 FXO                     RED
  4 FXO                     RED
  5 FXO                     RED
  6 FXO                     RED
  7 FXO                     RED
  8 FXO                     RED
### Span  2: XBUS-00/XPD-10 "Xorcom XPD #00/10: FXO"
  9 FXO                     RED
 10 FXO                     RED
 11 FXO                     RED
 12 FXO                     RED
 13 FXO                     RED
 14 FXO                     RED
 15 FXO                     RED
 16 FXO                    (battery)
### Span  3: XBUS-00/XPD-20 "Xorcom XPD #00/20: FXO"
 17 FXO                     RED
 18 FXO                    (battery)
 19 FXO                    (battery)
 20 FXO                    (battery)
 21 FXO                    (battery)
 22 FXO                    (battery)
 23 FXO                    (battery)
 24 FXO                    (battery)

But when loading mod_freetdm I am getting:

2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [NOTICE] ftdm_io.c:5723 Modules configured: 1
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_config.c:80 Configuration file is
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_io.c:4633 Reading FreeTDM
configuration file
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_io.c:4649 found config for span
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [NOTICE] ftmod_zt.c:1323 Using DAHDI control
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] ftdm_io.c:4963 Loading IO from
/usr/local/freeswitch/mod/ftmod_zt.so [zt]
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_config.c:80 Configuration file is
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] ftmod_zt.c:585 Setting rxgain val to
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] ftmod_zt.c:593 Setting txgain val to
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] ftdm_io.c:787 Auto-loaded I/O module 'zt'
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_io.c:4670 created span 1 (SPAN1) of
type zt
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_io.c:4688 span 1
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [DEBUG] ftdm_io.c:4718 setting trunk type to
'FXO' start(KEWL)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 17 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 18 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 19 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 20 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 21 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 22 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 23 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:288 failure configuring device
/dev/dahdi/channel chan 24 fd 48 (No such device or address)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftdm_io.c:4579 1:Failed to configure span
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] ftdm_io.c:4885 Configured 0 channel(s)
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] ftdm_io.c:5733 FreeTDM global configuration
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [ERR] mod_freetdm.c:4805 Error configuring
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [INFO] switch_time.c:1028 Timezone reloaded 530
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:1019 Error
Loading module /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_freetdm.so
**Module load routine returned an error**
2011-09-19 15:44:03.149105 [NOTICE] ftdm_sched.c:147 Main scheduling thread
going out ...

Thanks in advance and sorry for the rant.
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