[Freeswitch-users] _sofia_replaces_ from hangup_hook

Isaac Jurado ijurado at econcept.es
Mon Sep 5 16:25:32 MSD 2011


Given the following scenario:

    X calls Y  (channels A0 inbound and B0 outbound)
    Y calls Z  (channels A1 inbound and B1 outbound)

Then, if Y performs an attended transfer, B0 terminates with an
ATTENDED_TRANSFER hangup_cause (or endpoint_disposition).  However, A1
does not show any special sign of beign part of the transfer operation
except a CDR variable named "_sofia_replaces_".

The problem with that variable is that it doesn't appear as part of the
"env" object in Lua hangup hooks.  Nevertheless, it appears in the XML

What's happening here?  Am I doing something wrong?


Isaac Jurado
Internet Busines Solutions eConcept

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