[Freeswitch-users] Funky Gateway Confusion?

Avi Marcus avi at avimarcus.net
Thu Jun 16 02:49:00 MSD 2011

When making a call out on a gateway named "xconnect" they ping to see if my
machine is still active.
It uses 1111 in there, which happens to be the highest numbered SIP username
on my system.
Oh, and gw=Spikko001 gets in there too which is a completely unrelated
gateway on my system.

What in the world is going on?


<http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/16519>It doesn't seem to be causing any
problems.. but it's so weird.
kinda old: FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.head (git-0911ed7 2011-03-05 12-49-19

-Avi Marcus
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