[Freeswitch-users] FIFO suddenly stopped working properly

Joao Leme joaocarlosleme at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 00:26:05 MSD 2011


Anyone else having the same issue?

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Joao Leme <joaocarlosleme at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Michael, but I don't know what I have to do to get it fixed. Is
> there a configuration change? I'm not good at debugging and probably I
> should change the subject to "How to configure FIFO properly" (hoping to be
> a configuration problem).
> Below is my simple configuration for FIFO:
> fifo.conf.xml:
> <fifo name="sales_fifo@$${domain}" importance="0">
>       <member timeout="10" simo="10"
> lag="3">{fifo_member_wait=nowait}group/attendants@$${domain}</member>
>       <member timeout="300" simo="10"
> lag="3">{fifo_member_wait=nowait}group/sales@$${domain}</member>
> </fifo>
> directory/default.xml:
> <groups>
>  <group name="sales">
>         <users>
>           <user id="1000" type="pointer"/>
>           <user id="1001" type="pointer"/>
>           <user id="1002" type="pointer"/>
>           <user id="1003" type="pointer"/>
>         </users>
>       </group>
>  <group name="attendants">
>         <users>
>           <user id="1002" type="pointer"/>
>           <user id="1003" type="pointer"/>
>         </users>
>       </group>
> </groups>
> dialplan/default/mydialplan.xml: putting call on fifo
> <extension name="sales_fifo_in">
>       <condition field="destination_number" expression="^sales$" />
>   <action application="answer"/>
>     <action application="set" data="fifo_chime_freq=30"/>
> <action application="set" data="fifo_orbit_dialplan=XML"/>
>  <action application="set" data="fifo_orbit_context=default"/>
>  <action application="set" data="fifo_caller_exit_key=0"/>
>  <action application="set" data="fifo_caller_exit_to_orbit=true"/>
>           <action application="set"
> data="fifo_music=$${base_dir}/sounds/music/8000/partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav"/>
>  <action application="fifo" data="sales_fifo@$${domain} in undef"/>
>     </extension>
> It used to work but nows it only sends one call at a time, even with the
> other users available. I also tried replacing the groups for users but no
> luck.
> Thanks
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Michael Collins <msc at freeswitch.org>wrote:
>> Also, check out this thread, particularly the comments from Anthony:
>> http://lists.freeswitch.org/pipermail/freeswitch-users/2011-March/070588.html
>> If you had a really old version of FIFO and updated then you may have
>> crossed over from when caller ID was not the default to the current state
>> where it is the default.
>> -MC
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Joao Leme <joaocarlosleme at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> No change nor updates have been made in months. Everything was working
>>> great but now FIFO is not ringing the extensions while the first call is not
>>> HUNG UP...meaning, first call to go to FIFO rings the agents, and one
>>> person answer...when the second call comes in, it goes to fifo queue (caller
>>> listens the music) but no one is aware of the call, nor even the agents that
>>> are available. Only after the first call hangs up the 2nd goes in. I tried
>>> troubleshooting but no help.
>>> What I also noticed is that before, to display the caller ID on my sip
>>> client I had to use:
>>> <action application="set"
>>> data="origination_caller_id_number=${caller_id_number}"/>
>>> <action application="set"
>>> data="origination_caller_id_name=${caller_id_name}"/>
>>> but now, while testing, the caller id was showing when calling
>>> fifo without setting those parameters, but before it would just show the
>>> fifo queue name.
>>> All I can say is that I can't figure out why and how to fix these
>>> behavior if I have done no change to FreeSWITCH nor the config files. I also
>>> tried downloading the latest GIT and got the same response.
>>> John
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