[Freeswitch-users] FIFO suddenly stopped working properly

Joao Leme joaocarlosleme at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 01:02:35 MSD 2011

Hi there,
No change nor updates have been made in months. Everything was working great
but now FIFO is not ringing the extensions while the first call is not HUNG
UP...meaning, first call to go to FIFO rings the agents, and one
person answer...when the second call comes in, it goes to fifo queue (caller
listens the music) but no one is aware of the call, nor even the agents that
are available. Only after the first call hangs up the 2nd goes in. I tried
troubleshooting but no help.

What I also noticed is that before, to display the caller ID on my sip
client I had to use:

<action application="set"
<action application="set"

but now, while testing, the caller id was showing when calling
fifo without setting those parameters, but before it would just show the
fifo queue name.

All I can say is that I can't figure out why and how to fix these behavior
if I have done no change to FreeSWITCH nor the config files. I also tried
downloading the latest GIT and got the same response.

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