[Freeswitch-users] FS and SIP Proxy

Adam Kelloway adam.kelloway at newpace.ca
Fri Jul 15 20:32:38 MSD 2011

Hi there,

I have a FS installation that is on a private network, with a  SIP proxy 
in front of it that has an assigned public IP. I would like to be able 
to make calls from a public network to this FS installation, but I am 
not able to fully establish SIP and RTP sessions. I have been playing 
around with the NAT features of FS without any luck. In this scenario, 
do you think it would be necessary for the SIP proxy to handle the NAT 
traversal to ensure that the SIP responses reach the SIP endpoint? For 
RTP, would the proxy need to modify the SDP response that FS creates, so 
that it includes the external IP address necessary to establish the 
session? What I am getting at is whether the proxy needs to be not a 
proxy at all, but more like some kind of SBC, that also has RTP proxy 
capabilities. It would be necessary to keep this proxy/SBC in the signal 
path for both sessions.

Any guidance on this scenario would be appreciated.



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