[Freeswitch-users] SIP router/switch only configuratoin advice?

Georgy Goshin gosha at inbox.ee
Tue Apr 26 11:19:35 MSD 2011

David, Thanks!


I see that routing/permission logic is little bit complicated for just call routing/proxing, I believe there will be simpler to do all job in the database. Is there a simple way to configure FS so it will ask from the database for a destination for a call and it’s parameters (ip parameters, media parameters, rewritten numbers A and B) based on src info (A num, SRC ip, SRC media pameters) and DST num?







From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of David Ponzone
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:53 AM
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] SIP router/switch only configuratoin advice?




the first thing you ask is trivial.

Basically, you may have one dialplan (one context) per client endpoint.

There is 2 ways to bind a context to a client:

-if the client registers, the context is configured in the user config (in directory/)

-if the client does not register, you fall back to IP-auth. So you can add an ACL to the SIP profile, for security, and then in the dialplan for this SIP profile, you should add rules testing the SRC IP (variable network_addr in FreeSWITCH XML dialplan) and transfering to the right context.


This way, you will have one specific context file per client, so you can have very specific routing rules per client.

Of course, you may use the same context for several clients.


I really recommend you dig a little bit for yourself in the wiki in order to setup this configuration.

This will provide you with the necessary understanding of FreeSWITCH to operate it.


For the second part of your question, you may need mod_lcr.

I never used, but a lot of people around use it.

I am not sure it does prepaid/credit-limit.

For that, you can use the "simple" nibblebill, but it needs some hacking to manage various rates per destination prefix.

Or use an external prepaid software.


David Ponzone  Direction Technique

email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr

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Service Client IPeva

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Le 25/04/2011 à 21:55, Georgy Goshin a écrit :


I need some advice from experienced FreeSWITCH users. Please review my needs
and advise me some configuration samples or adapted configuration  guides.
I'd like to use the FS in two roles - a SIP router for my PBXes and as a
wholesale switch. Both configurations are almost the same in my case. The
desired configuration should be allow me to do the following:

route calls based on A num, B num, SRC IP (Mera MVTS is an example of what I
want in simple calls routing).

If a more complex configuration that can do dynamic routing based on price,
acd/asr and prepaid/credit-limit billing is possible too, I'd be glad to see
some examples too.

Thanks in advance,
G. Goshin.

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