[Freeswitch-users] Native stacks

Anthony Minessale anthony.minessale at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 14:34:38 PDT 2010

My position has already been stated.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>wrote:

> I understand your position. IANAL but I want to go a bit deeper on some
> points.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Anthony Minessale
> <anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The GPL is the license that would require change not the MPL. (there
> already
> > is such a change called LGPL btw)
> As Nyamul pointed, MPL "has some complex restrictions that make it
> incompatible with the GNU GPL". It means that, according to FSF, you
> can't link a module under current MPL 1.1 and another under GPL 2 or
> 3. This part may be solved in MPL 2.0.
> > The GPL says if you link to anything GPL, your whole program and anything
> > that links to it is GPL.  Once that happens all your rights to use the
> > software for business are gone unless you are the sole owner of the code.
> Not exactly. The whole program can't be relicensed without agreement
> of the copyright holders. Until this, you cannot link with GPL-code.
> Or more precisely, you cannot redistribute your code when linked
> against GPL-code. This means that you can link FreeSWITCH with a
> GPL-ed lib *at home* without license problem.
> >  Therefore it's not possible for FreeSWITCH to be compatible with the
> GPL.
> > If you look at the obvious use case: someone takes libGPLgoodies and
> wraps
> > it in a 10 line exe and sells it for $20, its construed as unfair.
>  Probably
> > true...... so the GPL narrow-mindedly focuses on this paradigm.
> But someone can still sell GPL code for $20. GPL doesn't forbid selling.
> > Now turn the tables and imagine MongoAPP that does all kinds of different
> > functions that has mod_GPL_Hello_World.so that just prints hello world on
> > the console.  That too would cause all of MongoAPP to become GPL which is
> > enough to make you spit out your drink in disbelief.
> By using MPL/GPL/LGPL triple license as Mozilla does, you will allow
> somebody (or yourself) to propose a bundle with FreeSWITCH and some
> GPL libs. Currently this is not possible.
> Mozilla FAQ (
> http://www-archive.mozilla.org/MPL/relicensing-faq.html#why-lgpl)
> explains this precisely. Currently solutions can be build with
> FreeSWITCH under either MPL or proprietary license. With trilicensing,
> you add two more possibilities which give access to the tons of GPL
> softwares.
> For example, If I want to create a FS module that uses openchange to
> access toM$  Exchange servers to read calendar, I can't because
> openchange is licensed, as samba4, under GPL3 (Website:
> http://www.openchange.org/). Same if I want to create a TTS mod_espeak
> (GPL2+).
> > The only way around it is to avoid GPL software which is our common
> practice
> > and has worked well for us thus far.  We just choose not to get involved
> > with it due to difference of opinion.
> OK.
> Regards
> Mathieu Parent
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Anthony Minessale II

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